We typically hear that God did away with the laws of
clean and unclean in Peter’s vision. But
is that true? Is that really what He did? Let’s go to Peter’s own explanation to find
In Acts 11:4 Luke tells us, “Peter
began explaining in detail what happened.” Then
in verse 9 Peter says, “But the voice spoke again from heaven: ‘Stop treating
as unclean what God has made clean.’” And
at that very moment the Gentiles showed up.
What I hear God saying to Peter is that man is created clean
and shouldn’t be lumped in with the creepy, crawly things. Can I tell you when I first saw this it blew
my mind? How many times have we heard
the quote, ‘our righteousness is as filthy rags’? Being a filthy rag is a far cry from being
clean. But when we look at the whole of
God’s Word, we gain better understanding.
Let's use this chart for reference, courtesy of Rabbi Matthew Salathe:
God created things in their natural state as
common. (Anything that is not holy is
common.) Within the category of common,
things are either clean or unclean.
Pigs, in their natural state, are unclean. It’s not a judgment against them; it is simply
how God created them. Common unclean
things can never be made holy.
Man, on the other hand, is created clean. True, left to our own devices we become polluted
by sin and end up unclean. BUT, we are
not unclean in our common state. This
means we can be cleansed and made holy.
(Now the visual of the filthy rags is making more sense. Before a rag becomes filthy, it's clean, isn't it?)

Like them, we believe God when He says that Jesus is
the Lamb sacrificed for the sin of the world.
Jesus’ blood cleanses us. Jesus
makes us clean again. And being clean,
we can enter into the presence of the Father and live.
Now think for a moment.
Because the Gentiles were so polluted with sin (and unrepentant) the
Israelites came to believe their natural state - their common created state - was
unclean. As unclean, they could never be
made clean, which means they could never be exposed to the Holy God and live.
So the Lord revealed to Peter in a vision that the
Gentiles should not be lumped in with the common unclean ‘four-footed animals,
beasts of prey, crawling creatures, and wild birds.’ Instead, Peter realized that though the Gentiles were
polluted by sin, God had created them clean.
And as such they could repent, be cleansed, and have life[1].
So I ask you, is everything now clean?
Great, great insight, Rosemarie. This was powerful.
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