Because we have distanced ourselves from the Jewish roots of
our faith, we look down our noses at the Torah of God. I even had a dear lady, completely sincere
and with a loving smile on her face and a look of pity in her eyes, misquote
Paul as she informed me that the Torah is the law of sin and death.
We so often see the Torah as a bad thing that Jesus came and
rescued us from. If that’s true, then it
follows that since the ‘God of the Old Testament’ is the One who wrote the
Torah, we must need to be rescued from Him as well.
On the surface, I’m sure you will agree that this is so far
from the truth that it’s scary. But when
we look at the Torah as a bad thing, we must look at its author as bad
also. Didn’t Jesus say a good tree cannot
produce bad fruit? So if God is good (and I’m sure we all agree His is), then
what He gives us is good also. This
includes His standard of right living – His instructions, His Torah.
Jesus also said, "If you have seen me, you have seen
the Father". Look at that – Jesus
referred to God as the Father. As a non-Jewish Christian, I
always thought this was something unique to Jesus. That He came and gave us a
new perspective of God. But as I’ve
studied the Torah and read Jewish commentary, I found this is not true. Many of the Lord's chosen people view Him as
When we take the time to read our Jewish brethren’s writings,
we walk away with a much different picture of the ‘God of the Old Testament’. He is no longer this vengeful, blood-thirsty
God. On the contrary, He is merciful,
gracious and long-suffering.

God is all about relationship. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and the people of
Israel are all proof of this.
Jesus told us that the Torah, the first five books of the
bible, can be summed up in two things – love God, love man. When we study Torah based on these two
things, a loving relationship with our God and with man (who is made in His
image), we clearly see that God is the same from Genesis to Revelation. His Torah speaks volumes of His love and His
desire to be in a loving relationship with us.

I hope you follow along with me this month as I explore the
subjects of repentance and reconciliation – the very theme of the month of
Elul, the very theme of our Savior's life.
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