My last two posts dealt with rules. We have rules in our homes and God has rules for His people. Rules help
society to function. Yet, with all this,
I often hear that Jesus did away with God’s rules. This is very puzzling,
because Jesus is God’s Son, the perfect representation of the Father. Why would the Father be happy His rules are
ignored, or be pleased with His Son breaking the rules? I know I sure didn’t put a smile on my dad’s
face when I would leave a room with the light on. No, he’d get frustrated and ask if I thought
he worked for the power company!
So I had to take a serious look at this discrepancy in
scripture, because as a follower of Jesus, I want to live my life the way He
wants me to live. Not only that, but how
could Jesus be the Son of God, the Messiah, if He was not completely obedient
to His Father’s rules and taught His followers to be disobedient? And wouldn’t
you know that as I read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, I saw that not only did he not
do away with the rules, but He raised the standard of obeying them!

Perfect? That’s a
tall order! Think about it in terms of driving.
It means never going over the speed limit by even a fraction of one mile per
hour. I don’t know about you, but I’m
sunk when perfection is the expectation.
So what is the alternative?
Should God send His Son to do away with His standard of righteousness
because I can’t live up to His expectation?
No! And that’s the good news of
the New Covenant. Through the perfect
obedience of His Son, God made it possible to give me His Spirit, so that I can
walk as Jesus walked, and live as Jesus lived, as long as I die to self and yield
my will to Him.
The rules of the road didn’t change. No, it is the driver behind the wheel that was
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