I hear a lot of talk about taking a
Sabbath rest and how important it is to rest one day a week. While it is true that we must rest, there is
a lot more to keeping the Sabbath than what we Gentiles understand.
Jesus did say in Mark 2:27, ‘man was not made for the
Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man.’ As
Gentiles, we tend to think this means we should be taking a day off work,
resting, having fun, doing whatever makes us happy.
But take a look at what God says in Isaiah 58:13-14:
“If you turn away your foot from
the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a
delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing
your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then
you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the
high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
So, which is it? By
reading this passage in Isaiah, it sounds like God is calling for us to do even
more work on the Sabbath, not less.
For our example, we must look to Jesus to see what He did on
the Sabbath. Peter tells us in Acts
10:38 Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the
devil. In Matthew 12 we see that He did
this on the Sabbath! Then look at verse
1 where Jesus’ disciples plucked grain so they could eat. When He was accused
by the religious leaders of the day for defiling the Sabbath, Jesus defended
their actions. That same story is found
in Mark 2:23 - 3:5 where Jesus makes the statement the Sabbath was made for man
and not man for the Sabbath. Notice in
the two accounts that Jesus was not just hanging around getting rest, but He
was out doing the work of the Lord.
These are just a few of the examples where Jesus was doing
exactly what God commended the eunuchs for in Isaiah 56:6. The eunuchs who chose what pleased God on the
Sabbath were promised a better place in God’s house than sons and
daughters! In Isaiah 56:4 He calls the
man blessed who keeps from defiling the Sabbath by keeping justice and doing
righteousness. This is what I see Jesus
doing on the Sabbath, rather than lollygagging around, doing our own thing, chillin’
and calling it the Sabbath.
I hear some asking, “When am I supposed to rest? I’m
Let me ask you something: have you ever been involved in
ministry and though you may have put in a lot of hours, you came away energized
rather than wiped out? THAT is a Sabbath
rest. Now, I’m not talking about merely
‘doing’ ministry, but when you get to a place where you are doing exactly what
God has called you to do, it is no longer a chore or work, but a labor of love
that energizes you to do even more! It
is the power of God flowing through you to others, to minister to their needs
in precisely the way God designed you to function.
Looking back to Isaiah 58: 14 we find a promise for those
who do God’s pleasure instead of their own on the Sabbath – you will delight
yourself in the Lord and He will bless you.
My life verse is Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will
give you the desire of your heart.” Long
ago I realized that it is His desire planted in my heart as I delight in Him -
as I get to know Him, as I die to self and live for Him. THAT is a delight.
So how do we delight in the Lord? How do we keep from
defiling the Sabbath? He tells us in Is
58:13 that we are to do His pleasure, His work, His way, speaking His
words. Then in Is 58:6-7 we see a list
of what His pleasure is:
To loose the bonds
Undo heavy burdens
Let the oppressed go free
Break every yoke
Take in the poor who are
cast out
Cover the naked
The Sabbath God’s way is the power to change lives!
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